What's new at VEMS . . . . .
This page contains the latest news from Villanova EMS. It's content is updated frequently so please keep checking back. If you have any comments, or a news-worthy item please send an email to whats_new@vems.org. |
Villanova EMS Membership Elects New Executive Board - April 4, 2001
On the evening of March 29th, 2001, the membership of Villanova EMS elected a new executive board. Good luck to the new board and
congratulations on the success of the old board. To view the members of the new board, click here.
VEMS Wins National Excellence Award - February 11, 2001
At the 2001 National Collegiate EMS Foundation Conference in Rochester, NY, Villanova EMS was recognized as the 2001
Collegiate EMS Organization of the Year. VEMS was selected from among the 200 member organizations
of the NCEMSF around the country as "an example by which all other groups
should model themselves." This prestigious recognition came as Mike Morton
and Matt Werner presented an excellent seminar on establishing a
non-emergency response policy. Congratulations to all the members and
alumni that have made this possible and made Villanova EMS the incredible
organization that it is. For more information on the NCEMSF, click here.
Villanova EMS First Aid Kit Sale - February 4, 2001
As a 50%/50% fundraiser for our group, Villanova EMS has purchased numerous small and large size first aid kits. Half of the first aid kit cost is
a donation, while the other half covers the initial cost. Click here for further information and a printable order form
(Adobe PDF plug-in required).
VEMS E-Mail List and Online Community - March 27, 2000
All members and alumni are encouraged to sign up for the new VEMS E-Mail list. Please do so
by typing your email address in below. Site currently maintained by Chris D. Anton '03.
To find out how to contact us, click here.
Page last updated 4/4/01